Project Background
Spotify is a music streaming service app that gives its users access to millions of songs. My challenge was to create a social feature for the Spotify desktop app that provides users the ability to communicate and share songs. The project includes user interviews, a persona, a scenario, an affinity diagram, a site map, feature prioritizations, a user flow and usability testing. Below is a step-by-step process to find the minimum viable product (MVP). Following these steps helped me identify and prioritize features. This project is completed as the 1-week project submission at General Assembly, User Experience Design Course.
ROLE: UX Designer TOOLS: Sketch
LENGTH OF PROJECT: 1 week DATE: March 2019
Competitor Research
An analysis of leading competitors revealed their strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and differences. My findings were as follows:
None of the competitor music streaming services have a fully fleshed out social feature. Less than half provide the ability to message or share within the software.
Collaborative playlists are the most interaction users can experience within the competitors apps.
Curated playlists and user profiles are personalization features used throughout but are not customizable so provide limited functionality.
User Research
To fully understand how a user interprets and utilizes music streaming service apps, 4 participants were asked to share their experiences. A total of 9 questions were asked to each participant. The questions focused on experience with music streaming service apps and social media platforms (advantages and pitfalls) and usability (the how, when, why, and where).
The purpose of these interviews was to gather insights as to how individuals utilize music streaming services. The results gathered from the interviews allowed for the examination of how users feel about current features and what they feel the music streaming service industry is lacking.
The findings from these user interviews exposed that participants spend more time listening to music on their computers than mobiles. The participants expanded on their experiences with music sharing, expressing they like to share music with a close group of friends and would share and discover more if it were less difficult.
When asked the questions, “What are some shortcomings or flaws of Spotify?” participants expressed the following frustrations:
Sharing anything from Spotify is a hassle – requires multiple steps and devices
Users want some but not all music activity shared with their social network
There is a lack of community within the app
Difficult time discovery new music
Would like to have the old message and notification feature back
The primary persona of Spotify Social is Julie Lewis. Julie is a 28-year-old Software Developer from Seattle, WA and is an avid user of Spotify. The persona of Julie was created based on my user interviews and critical insights from my research of the music streaming service industry. The most common demographic for Spotify users is Millennials, ages of 25-34 years old.
How might we enhance social features within Spotify by creating in-app sharing functionality that allow users to communicate and share music hassle free.
Using the Product Prioritization Matrix method of what users expect and how much impact they have; I chose the top three features that would best convey my problem. I wanted to focus more on a solution or opportunity that would be adaptable to the issue of, “How might we enhance social features within Spotify by creating in-app sharing functionality that allow users to communicate and share music hassle free.” Each followed a similar theme of creating a way to connect users and facilitate conversation about music.
Provide a private friends list that is readily available and customizable. This will allow users to drag and drop songs to friends in the list.
Allow messaging between Spotify accounts.
Bring back the Spotify inbox and build it out to allow single message boxes and group messaging.
Information Architecture
To ensure new features are placed in an order that is intuitive, I developed a sitemap and user journey.
After sketching, I produced a first round of high fidelity wireframes to use in a prototype for usability testing. In the first round of hi-fi wireframes I emphasized on the new feature friends list to the right side of the desktop application. Users can easily drag and drop songs they find to their friends. This list has a customizable “Top Friends” that wont fluctuate in order to stay readily available for song sharing and messaging. I also brought back the old Spotify inbox that users requested. I fleshed it out with a group chat feature and a single chat box option. In the final wireframes and prototype I build the feature out to show its upgrade.
Prototypes & Usability Testing
To gather feedback on the new social features, I asked 4 participants to user test my prototype. The target audience for user testing focused on individuals who frequently used Spotify. The participants were given scenarios to go through the wireframes. All participants were able to complete the tasks; however, there were some challenges having to click through a drag and drop feature in the prototype.
* At the time, Sketch’s prototype did not allow the ability to simulate the drag and drop feature, so the feature was made click-able. *
After completing each user testing session, I asked the participants to provide user feedback on the new Spotify social features and functionality. They informed me of the following:
Inform the users upon updating that this is a new feature
Offer a search bar within the friends list to search names
Give users the option to not have to leave the page to reply to a message. A pop up message feature like Facebook messenger would help not interrupt users.
Using the participant feedback, I was able to apply their feedback and create my final prototype. Please click through the prototype here:
What I Learned
Creating Spotify Social resulted in a greater understanding of user behaviors within the music streaming service industry. I learned that users want to stay within an application to complete a task or they will not do it often, i.e. social features/interactions can improve user engagement and retention. Although difficulties arouse, prototyping and user testing aided in the improvements needed to make Spotify a more social music streaming service app. It allowed me as a designer to refine my skills and understanding of creating functional user experiences that improve usability.